Case Study: ACCOM, Digital Sales Agency
Case Study: ACCOM, Digital Sales Agency
Online Acquisition of New Customers for Insurance, Education, Energy, and Utilities

ACCOM is one of Spain’s most innovative and rapidly growing digital sales agencies. The agency is renowned for the high quality of its services and for a corporate culture that fosters the development and well-being of its employees.
When establishing the agency, ACCOM’s executives made a strategic decision to integrate lead acquisition in digital channels with customer conversion through telemarketing. ACCOM was seeking a partner who could provide the necessary technology and know-how to maximize the performance of digital channels.
The challenge that ACCOM presented to the Fáktica team was how to significantly improve the performance of the Google Ads accounts they managed for clients in the insurance, education, energy, and utilities sectors, increasing the number of high-quality leads and reducing the cost per lead.
All of this was to be achieved in an extremely competitive context, where inflation caused by numerous competitors continually drove up traffic costs.

ACCOM is one of Spain’s most innovative and rapidly growing digital sales agencies. The agency is renowned for the high quality of its services and for a corporate culture that fosters the development and well-being of its employees.
When establishing the agency, ACCOM’s executives made a strategic decision to integrate lead acquisition in digital channels with customer conversion through telemarketing. ACCOM was seeking a partner who could provide the necessary technology and know-how to maximize the performance of digital channels.
The challenge that ACCOM presented to the Fáktica team was how to significantly improve the performance of the Google Ads accounts they managed for clients in the insurance, education, energy, and utilities sectors, increasing the number of high-quality leads and reducing the cost per lead.
All of this was to be achieved in an extremely competitive context, where inflation caused by numerous competitors continually drove up traffic costs.
Our Strategy
Objective: Increase Our Client's Profits
Our first proposal was to change the perspective on how to measure the success of campaigns.
Instead of solely focusing on leads and cost per lead, the emphasis should be on the profits generated when those leads converted into customers. Many inexpensive but low-quality leads wouldn’t lead to profitability. Similarly, paying an excessive price for high-quality leads wasn’t a successful strategy either. The key was to find the balance between these two extremes.

Objective: Increase Our Client's Profits
Our first proposal was to change the perspective on how to measure the success of campaigns.
Instead of solely focusing on leads and cost per lead, the emphasis should be on the profits generated when those leads converted into customers. Many inexpensive but low-quality leads wouldn’t lead to profitability. Similarly, paying an excessive price for high-quality leads wasn’t a successful strategy either. The key was to find the balance between these two extremes.

Offline Tracking, BigQuery, and Fáktica® Profit Maximization Technology
Offline Tracking, BigQuery, and Fáktica® Profit Maximization Technology
In collaboration with ACCOM, we created a comprehensive information management infrastructure using BigQuery as a cloud data repository. Here, we stored all information about the customer journey of each visitor, including their behavior in Google Ads, on the Landing Page, call tracking, and their progression from click, raw lead, commercial lead, and sale. We also integrated the value of the sale and profit margin.
The Fáktica® technology automates the management of Google Ads accounts, utilizing all the data stored in BigQuery to maximize net profit. It calculates and updates in real-time the optimal break-even point between lead volume and expected return — a dynamic balance due to constant changes in user behavior and competition. This allows us to discover the most profitable search terms and audiences at any given time.
As a result, the most important indicators shifted from raw lead volume and cost to commercial lead volume and cost, success rates from commercial lead to sale, and especially, ROAS (Return on Ad Spend, calculated as the ratio of profits from sales to the cost of Google Ads campaigns) and net profit for ACCOM (after deducting the investment in Google Ads).
In collaboration with ACCOM, we created a comprehensive information management infrastructure using BigQuery as a cloud data repository. Here, we stored all information about the customer journey of each visitor, including their behavior in Google Ads, on the Landing Page, call tracking, and their progression from click, raw lead, commercial lead, and sale. We also integrated the value of the sale and profit margin.
The Fáktica® technology automates the management of Google Ads accounts, utilizing all the data stored in BigQuery to maximize net profit. It calculates and updates in real-time the optimal break-even point between lead volume and expected return — a dynamic balance due to constant changes in user behavior and competition. This allows us to discover the most profitable search terms and audiences at any given time.
As a result, the most important indicators shifted from raw lead volume and cost to commercial lead volume and cost, success rates from commercial lead to sale, and especially, ROAS (Return on Ad Spend, calculated as the ratio of profits from sales to the cost of Google Ads campaigns) and net profit for ACCOM (after deducting the investment in Google Ads).
Adapting Online Investment to the Sales Team's Capacity
In a contact center or call center, it’s essential that once a website visitor has left their information, a sales representative contacts them as soon as possible. Similarly, an incoming call must be answered instantly, as the longer a lead goes unattended, the chances of success decrease rapidly. Furthermore, the incoming traffic in a contact center fluctuates continuously, leading to peak and off-peak periods where sales agents may either be overwhelmed or idle.
Our team added an additional module to the management software to smooth out these peaks and valleys in traffic throughout the day, aligning the number of leads with the sales team’s capacity to handle them at any given moment. When there’s more traffic than the team can handle, the software reduces bids, allowing us to bid only on leads with higher profitability. Conversely, when the team has capacity, the software enables more aggressive bidding strategies.
En un contact center o call center es esencial que, una vez un visitante de la web haya dejado sus datos, un comercial le contacte lo antes posible. De la misma manera, una llamada ha de ser respondida al instante, pues en cuanto el lead se enfría las posibilidades de éxito bajan rápidamente. Por otro lado, el tráfico entrante en un contact center varía continuamente, lo que provoca picos de trabajo en donde los agentes comerciales no pueden atender a todos los leads, y valles en los que parte del equipo se queda de brazos cruzados.
Nuestro equipo añadió un módulo adicional al software de gestión que reduce los picos y valles de tráfico a lo largo del día, para adaptar en cada momento el número de leads a la capacidad del equipo comercial de gestionarlos. Cuando hay más tráfico que lo que el equipo puede gestionar, el software reduce las pujas de forma que sólo puje por los leads que tienen una mayor rentabilidad. Si el equipo no tiene suficiente trabajo, el software hace pujas más agresivas.

Illustration of Traffic Control and Adjustment Technology. The thin line represents the hourly traffic evolution without applying our Fáktica technology. The thick line represents the evolution after implementing Fáktica technology. The pink areas represent removed traffic, and the green areas represent added traffic.

Adapting Online Investment to the Sales Team's Capacity
In a contact center or call center, it’s essential that once a website visitor has left their information, a sales representative contacts them as soon as possible. Similarly, an incoming call must be answered instantly, as the longer a lead goes unattended, the chances of success decrease rapidly. Furthermore, the incoming traffic in a contact center fluctuates continuously, leading to peak and off-peak periods where sales agents may either be overwhelmed or idle.
Our team added an additional module to the management software to smooth out these peaks and valleys in traffic throughout the day, aligning the number of leads with the sales team’s capacity to handle them at any given moment. When there’s more traffic than the team can handle, the software reduces bids, allowing us to bid only on leads with higher profitability. Conversely, when the team has capacity, the software enables more aggressive bidding strategies.

Illustration of Traffic Control and Adjustment Technology. The thin line represents the hourly traffic evolution without applying our Fáktica technology. The thick line represents the evolution after implementing Fáktica technology. The pink areas represent removed traffic, and the green areas represent added traffic.
In 10 months, we multiplied the net profit of the account by 6, increasing the ROAS by 330% and achieving double-digit returns on investment.